Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Seafood Recipe Part 2: Hake and Potatoes

I followed up with a rustic-style seafood main course using another pack sent by the purveyor Qwehli (see my previous post for the introduction). Hake is one of the fish species I love working with, for its firm texture and versatility, slightly richer than cod and leaner than black cod. One I received was caught wild off the Atlantic Coast off France and came in vacuumed and frozen pack of around 300g - good for 3-4 person.

There were so many things you could do with hake - it can be grilled on a pan or open fire, battered and deep-fried, or roasted in an oven. This time I decided to cook en papillote with an Asian twist for something a bit different, and served with an easy twice-cooked potato sides.

Hake and Potatoes with Miso Butter (serves 3-4)


  • 500g New Potatoes
  • 300g Hake Fillets - defrost
  • 1.5 heaping tablespoon of Miso
  • 1 Tablespoon of Mirin
  • 1 Tablespoon of sugar
  • 0.5 stick of butter (1/4 cup)
  • 1 large piece of Banana Leaf (can substitute with parchment paper)
  • Salt to taste
  1. Wash the potatoes, and parboil in boiling water for 25-30 minutes - keep the skin on. 
  2. Remove the boiled potatoes from the water, drain and let cool slightly. Dry the surface of the potatoes with kitchen towel to remove any excess moisture. Cut potatoes in half or quarters depending on the size. Meanwhile, pre-heat the Oven to 230C (450F). 
  3. Place a parchment paper on a large baking sheet and brush with olive oil. Spread the potatoes sparingly on the baking sheet with skin side up, then smash the potatoes "gently" by pressing down the bottom of a heavy sauce pan against the potato chunks. Drizzle olive oil lightly over the smashed potatoes and season with salt (just remember - salt and potatoes are best friends so be generous)
  4. Put the baking sheet with the potatoes in the upper section of the oven. Bake for 20 minutes.
  5. In a saucepan, melt the butter and when the butter started bubbling, add in miso, mirin and sugar, stir to mix completely. Set aside.
  6. Cut the banana leaf into pieces with each big enough to wrap each piece of hake fillet. Put the fish in the center of the leaf, brush the miso butter generously on all sides. Fold and wrap and leave each packet in a shallow baking dish (with folded side at the bottom)
  7. When the potatoes were baked for 20 minutes, brush the top of the potatoes with the remaining of the miso butter,  put the baking fish with the fish fillets into the lower section of the oven and continue to bake both the potatoes and fish for an additional 10 minutes.
  8. Remove both the fish and potatoes from the oven. Unwrap the fish inside the banana leaf, and use a blowtorch to slightly charred the skin and miso butter on the fish fillet. Season with a pinch of salt. To serve, place the baked potatoes in a large plate with the fish fillet on top. 
(Actually the smashed potatoes recipe can be paired with just about anything - or even on its own with a simple marinara or pesto sauce - just keep that in mind!)

Side Note: To order from Qwehli (in Hong Kong), you can check out their facebook page, email ( or Whatsapp (+852 5429-4299).

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